
Transportation of commercial goods
Transportation of commercial goods is another service that Sultan Yaghoot Company provides and as you know, transportation is a way of trading commercial goods.
Commercial freight services
Countries usually trade to meet the needs and requests of society, and according to this issue, commercial goods pass through the borders of the countries to reach their destinations. However, this issue has its own rules in international trading system, and in order not to get into trouble in this case, you should be familiar with these rules. Which we will discuss in the following sections
List of contents
1.Transportation of commercial goods by Sultan Yaghoot Company
1.1 .Ground transportation
ِ 1.1.1.Disadvatages
1.2.Railroad transportation
1.3.Maritime Transportation
1.4.Air transportation
Transportation of commercial goods by Sultan Yaghoot Company
The rules applying to the international transportation of goods, from the packaging of the goods to the descriptions on the goods and the type of transportation and etc. should be considered. Therefore; as the owner of the goods or legal representative (work clearance, commission agents), it would be best to be familiar with common business terms and procedures.
Transportation itself has three models: land, sea and air. Which is written in order from the cheapest to the most expensive, and you can choose how to transport the goods according to the type of goods and the price that you have considered for the transportation of commercial goods.
Transportation of goods by Sultan Yaghoot Company
It is important to know that there are three methods of transporting goods that each one has advantages and disadvantages that we will describe separately.
Ground transportation
Ground transportation is one of the oldest and also cheapest methods of transporting goods, which also includes a large volume of exportations and importations from Iran’s neighbors. It includes two methods: road and rail. The advantages of this method include: its availability and reasonable price compared to the air and sea methods, it takes less time than the sea method, it includes less packaging costs and also it does not include unloading loads in ports. It is the best method for short routes and exportation to neighboring countries.
It is less secure, it cannot be used for trade and commerce from distant countries, if the goods are perishable and there is a possibility of corruption in the long way and is not possible for high volume trade and commerce.
Railroad transportation
Railroad transportation by freight trains is another method of transporting ground goods, which also has advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages include: high security of goods, lower prices than the sea and the air methods, one of the best methods for transporting mineral goods, and also the climate issues do not affect this method.
Its disadvantages include: Rail transportation will not be suitable for all countries, and also some goods cannot be transported by railroad method, and etc.
Maritime transportation
Maritime transportation is one of the most common methods of transporting goods because most countries have access to high seas and half of the earth’s surface is covered by oceans and seas. Iran also has two seas including the Persian Gulf, the Strait of Hormuz in the south and the Caspian Sea in the north, through which a large amount of the country’s goods are exported to other countries. This method also has advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below.
The advantages includes: Exportation to all the countries, the best way to export to distant countries, lower prices than air methods, transporting goods in large quantities and quantities, etc.
In this way, the risk of accidents and natural hazards is higher and it takes more time for the goods to arrive.
Air transportation
Air transportation is one of the newest methods in the trade and commerce industry, which usually brings a lot of costs for the owner of the goods. In this method, freight terminals and airports are used. For example, in Iran, Payam Karaj Airport is a freight airport for commercial goods. This method is less demanding due to being more expensive than the methods above, but now it has advantages and disadvantages.
It is the fastest possible way to transport goods and therefore, there is less possibility of corruption, more secure and less risky in case of natural disasters.
It is expensive compared to other methods of transportation and also this method cannot be used for all goods and has limitations.