What Does the Court of Administrative Justice Mean and What Is Its Application in Trade and Commerce?
The Court of Administrative Justice is one of the most important authorities in dealing with complaints and enforcing the rights of individuals before government officials or government regulations. This authority is also active in the field of trade and commerce and following up on the complaints of traders and merchants against government departments such as customs and relevant organs.
What Does the Court of Administrative Justice Mean?
The Court of Administrative Justice is the authority to hear people’s complaints against the non-observance of their rights by organizations, institutions, and government agencies. In other words, if the client’s affairs are not properly handled or his rights are violated in government departments and agencies, the client can take his complaint to the Administrative Court of Justice so that the authorities can take care of his case and solve the problem.
As mentioned, the Court of Administrative Justice is one of the most important authorities in dealing with people’s complaints against government agencies. This authority operates under supervision of the judiciary and has primary and appellate branches, a general board, and a specialized board.
Court of Administrative Justice operates in accordance with Article 173 of the Constitution, which is as following:
In order to investigate the complaints٫ grievances٫ and objections of the
people with respect to government officials٫ organs٫ and statutes٫ a court will
be established to be known as the Court of Administrative Justice under the
supervision of the head of the judiciary branch. The jurisdiction٫ powers٫ and
mode of operation of this court will be laid down by law.
What Was the Purpose of Establishing the Court of Administrative Justice?
According to the definition of this authority in the constitution of the country, the purpose of its formation is to realize the rights and establish public justice for individuals in society. It is necessary to know that one of the important duties of this court is to annul the regulations that are contrary to the laws and rules of the country.
The Court of Administrative Justice is the only authority that works on justice and grievances of the people against the executive apparatus and organs. For this reason, the rulings issued by the judges of this court are very important and in some cases for some people these rulings are vital. For this reason, the cases of this court will be handled carefully and quickly.
What kind of complaints are handled in the Court of Administrative Justice?
As the name of this court indicates, all complaints against government departments and agencies, organizations and officials, as well as complaints about the final vote of the commissions or commissions or complaints against all government employees, public and executive bodies of the country are examined in this court.
How Are Complaints Handled in the Court of Administrative Justice?
To process complaints in any office, it is necessary to prepare a petition and submit it for processing. So people who would like to complaint against the administration, organs or government officials should file a complaint and submit it by e-mail to the court or register in the electronic database, or by sending it to the secretariat of the court or by visiting the administrative offices located in the provinces. After submitting your petition to the Court of Administrative Justice, this court has the duty to consider the complaints of the interested person and to announce the result to the person, his lawyer or his deputy, his legal representative.
If the subject of the complaint is the loss of personal rights. The Court of Administrative Justice shall issue an appropriate ruling on the violation of the verdict or the annulment of the effect of the decision and action of the complained party or the obligation of the complaining party to restore the lost rights. It should be noted that processing cases that have an interim injunction is out of turn.
How to Execute the Decision Made by the Court of Administrative Justice?
It is noteworthy that when a final verdict was issued by the Court of Administrative Justice Due to the necessity of realizing the lost rights, individuals of all government institutions and bodies are obliged to implement the ruling issued by the Court in the shortest possible time. For this purpose, there is a deputy for the execution of decisions in all branches of the Court of Administrative Justice which is responsible for the execution of decisions. For this purpose, the branches of the court attach a copy of the issued verdict to the case file and send it to the execution of the verdicts in order to review the execution of the verdicts. Then, the convicted person is obliged to execute the verdict within one month from the time of the verdict is issued or to obtain the consent of the plaintiff and report the result to the sentencing unit.